WorléePol 1181/09
W´Pol 1181/09 is a saturated, low viscous aliphatic polyester resins for the modification of solvent based and aqueous systems showing high elasticity, surface hardness, chemical and UV resistance.
Due to its wide compatibility W´Pol 1181/09 can be used in various systems. Normally this polyester resin is used as a modifying component for high quality aqueous and solvent based isocyanate- and amino crosslinking coatings. In corresponding combinations the use of W´Pol 1181/09 improves the flexibility considerably. Often adhesion and gloss are increased at the same time. Very good chemical and mechanical resistance properties are achieved due to the high OH-content which result in a high crosslinking compactness.
In aqueous 2 component PUR systems W´Pol 1181/09 is often combined with polyurethane dispersions which improves the quality considerably even regarding chemical and mechanical resistance.
The recommended addition rate is between 2 - 8% calculated on total formulation.