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BS Viscosity Cup

TQC BS Viscosity Cup

The BS Viscosity Cup is a range of anodized aluminum viscosity cups with fixed stainless steel nozzle (inner cavity).

The BS Viscosity Cups is a range of titanium anodized aluminum viscosity cups with fixed stainless steel nozzle (inner cavity). Laboratory type, to be used with stand, to measure the viscosity of lacquers, paint and other liquids. According to (old type) BS3900: Part A6, 1971 This specification is replaced by EN ISO 2431/8S3900 part A6:1996 – see Ref SH417

Order ID
BS Flow Cup, BS3900 (1971) old specification (B2)
BS Flow Cup, BS3900 (1971) old specification (B3)
BS Flow Cup, BS3900 (1971) old specification (B4)
BS Flow Cup, BS3900 (1971) old specification (B5)
BS Flow Cup, BS3900 (1971) old specification (B6)

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