Genuine Taber Abrading Wheels
An essential component of conducting "Taber wear tests" is the type of abrasive wheel that is used.
Taber offers standardized grades of Genuine Taber abrasive wheels, engineered for a variety of specific applications. The wheels are a proprietary formulation developed and designed by Taber Industries so the binder material breaks down during use, exposing and creating a new abrading surface. The minimum usable diameter of Taber abrading wheels is 44.4 mm, which corresponds with the wheel label.
Abrading wheels for the Taber Abraser (Abrader) can be classified as:
Calibrase® : A resilient wheel composed of resilient binder and aluminum oxide or silicon carbide abrasive particles. Frequently used to evaluate rigid specimens.
Calibrade® : VA non-resilient wheel composed of a vitrified (clay) binder and silicon carbide or aluminum oxide abrasive particles. Frequently used to evaluate flexible specimens.
Specialty : Used for special applications.
For both Calibrase and Calibrade wheels, different grades are furnished to meet varying requirements of abrasive action. The composition of Genuine Taber abrading wheels has been carefully chosen to reproduce normal service wear. The quality and uniformity of these wheels is maintained by continuous inspection sampling and tightly controlled manufacturing processes.
Wheels are sold in pairs, and shipped in tight-lidded containers to prevent damage. Each wheel is labeled "LEFT HAND (or RIGHT HAND)" to assure that the mounting position will be duplicated after the wheels have been removed and later re-installed. For Calibrase and Calibrade wheels, the label is also used to indicate the minimum diameter of the wheels (1.75 inch or 44.45 mm OD). When the wheel is worn to the label, it must be replaced.
Depending on the abradant type and test specimen, the wheel surface may change (i.e. become clogged) due to the transfer of material from the test specimen to the abrading wheel, and must be cleaned at frequent intervals. Click here for information on Refacing Options. As the abrasive coefficient of the wheels can also be altered by oil and other contaminants, handle only the sides of the wheels.
How long a set of Genuine Taber Wheels will last is dependent on the load, surface texture and frictional characteristics of the material being tested and frequency of refacing.
Most published test methods provide sufficient details on which abrasive wheels to use. If you are following a particular standard, please refer to it for the appropriate wheel. If your application is not covered by an established procedure, deciding which abrading wheel is best determined with preliminary testing on the actual material. The ideal selection criterion is to reproduce, as nearly possible, the wear which the material will be subjected to in actual use. It is important to keep in mind that wear is a complex phenomenon that may not be exactly replicated through an accelerated abrasion test, and the abrasive wheels represent a limited subset of actual contact conditions that material surfaces will be subjected to while in service. Click on the below link(s) to determine what test method may be best suited for your material / product:
>> Taber Test Reference (by application)
>> Taber Test Reference (by method)
Custom Formulations - To inquire about custom wheel formulations, please contact Taber Industries.
WARNING: Because of possible deterioration and influence on abrasion rates, S-42 sandpaper strips should be stored in a temperature and humidity controlled environment.