WorléeSol 31 C
W´Sol 31 C is a modified linseed oil polymer. It is readily reducible with water for formulating exterior stains and wood preservatives.
W´Sol 31 C is a unique resin for the manufacture of water thinnable clear wood impregnation, pigmented and transparent stains and wood preservatives. It shows extremely. good penetration into the wood, excellent durability, easy application, no nailhead rusting, good chalk binding and long term elasticity.
The storage stability is even with low solids content very good and it is not sensible to frost. Pigments, extenders and matting agents can be dispersed on all common aggregates. The pH-value of wood preservatives based on W´Sol 31 C should be between 8.2 - 8.5 so that the optimum stability is guaranteed. Ammonia is recommended as neutralization agent. As driers cobalt and manganese, eventually in combination with Activ 8 (Vanderbilt) have proved to be suitable.
2 to 25 °C Protect from freeze and avoid from direct sunlight. Product contains water and storage under 0 °C may cause inhomogenity. In this case, warm up slowly at room temperature if. necessary with the help of a slow stirrer.