W´Kyd LH 3702
W´Kyd MH 439 is a short oil, fast drying alkyd resin based on special fatty acids for the production of air and forced drying primers and top coats, also for low aromatic containing paints.
W´Kyd MH 439 has mainly been developed for good drying primers and top coats.
Due to the very good compatibility with physical drying binders, W´Kyd MH 439 can also be used for fast drying and high resistant industrial enamels.
W´Kyd MH 439 is compatible with most short oil and medium oil length alkyd resins. It is also compatible with some physical drying binders like vinyl mix polymerisates (e.g. Laroflex from BASF) and chlorinated rubber (e.g. Pergut from Bayer).