For many years RK has been designing and building Versatile Converting Machines (VCM) for R&D, Pilot and Production applications used across many different types of industries. Unlike our Rotary Koater, where the process must be carried out within standard design constraints, the VCM is optimised to the specific requirements of each process and can utilise higher specification drives, tension and web control equipment.
The VCM is built using the same concept as our Rotary Koater, an open framework, on which various standard assemblies can be fitted. This ideology enables either simple single process or more complex multiple process configurations to be readily attained. The heavier framework also enables wider and heavier substrates to be processed while still allowing considerable flexibility to expand or modify the machine as developments or applications change.
- Web widths of 300, 400 and 500mm
- Modular construction for future expansion.
- Single or multiple coating stations.
- Cantilevered unwind and rewinds.
- Multiple drives – ac invertor or servo as required.
- Various tension control options.
- Clam shell design hot air dryers.
- Custom operating system with colour touch screen controls.
- Remote diagnostics and upgrading.